Interactive Methods

Get Results with Interactive Methods

The best results are achieved by combining new knowledge and skills. Through our specialized interactive training design, our participants learn how to understand each other better. Theories are great but it is focusing on practices that make our participants ready to handle a challenging work life.
Improvement and change do not happen by only listening to new knowledge; rather you need to try new skills and co-create new strategies together with your co-workers. In our interactive exercises, laughter and seriousness alternate so you can let go of prestige and start practicing to enhance your communication skills in a setting where mistakes are harmless. Interactive methods also strengthen the individual and build stronger relationships between participants adding better cooperation, team building and welcome creativity in your workplace.

Following are the most common Interactive exercises that we use:

  • Value-exercises
  • Listening exercises
  • Communication exercises
  • Cooperation and group development exercises
  • Creativity exercises
  • Storytelling
  • Role-play exercises
  • Real-life examples
  • Conversational processes for small or large groups

Read more about how we can help you involve Interactive Exercises in your event.